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Parish Councillor

Tessa Shrubbs

I moved to Lode when I married in 1982 and have been at Lode Farm ever since.  Farming has always been a big part of my life, I grew up in a farming family, was an active member of the Young Farmers movement and married a farmer!
My children both went to Bottisham Primary School (as do 3 of my grandchildren) and Bottisham Village College. During those years I volunteered as a helper at the Primary School, was a Brownie leader and spent 10 years as Secretary of Bottisham Junior Football Club and also volunteered on the Cambridge & District Colts Football League committee where I was their treasurer.

Workwise, we run 3 small businesses (in the farming and building sectors) two here in Lode and one in the Duxford area, which I am still very much involved with.

Lode is a beautiful village with much to offer.  Lode is also a great community that I have enjoyed being part of for 40+ years – I’m a member of the Lode Tennis Club and have been involved with many village events over the years such as the Millenium celebrations and more recently the Lode Half Marathon.

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